
Attorney Contacts Ailing Governor of Papua to Urge Hospitalization

Attorney Contacts Ailing Governor of Papua to Urge Hospitalization.lelemuku.com.jpg
JAKARTA, LELEMUKU.COM - Petrus Bala Pattyona, the lawyer of the suspended governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, received a call from the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prosecutor on Sunday, July 16, 2023, around 2:00 PM local time. 

The prosecutor requested Pattyona's presence to convince Lukas Enembe to agree to be taken to the Army Central Hospital (RSPAD) immediately. Lukas needed to be admitted to RSPAD urgently due to severe nausea, dizziness, and not having eaten for two days.

"I was asked to come and persuade Mr. Lukas to agree to be taken to RSPAD. Yesterday (Saturday), Mr. Lukas was already willing to be taken to the hospital due to his deteriorating health. However, he was made to wait until 7:00 PM and was about to be taken at 9:00 PM when he was already asleep. Then, on the next day (Sunday), the KPK decided to take Mr. Lukas to RSPAD, but he was already angry and refused to go," explained Pattyona.

Due to the difficulties in transporting Mr. Lukas, the KPK prosecutor contacted his lawyer to convince him to seek medical treatment at RSPAD.

"His condition has deteriorated; he hasn't eaten for two days due to nausea and has difficulty swallowing when given water. I also noticed that his legs have started to swell again," said Pattyona. Additionally, Pattyona received information that Mr. Lukas had defecated and urinated on his bed.

It was only when Pattyona and Mr. Lukas' brother, Elius Enembe, arrived and witnessed the condition firsthand, and after convincing Mr. Lukas to seek medical attention, that he finally agreed to be taken to RSPAD. After Mr. Lukas consented to go to RSPAD, the prison warden contacted a KPK doctor to prepare a referral letter.

When I saw Mr. Lukas' pale face as he was escorted from his prison cell by five inmates, I explained his critical condition, where he could only lie down, not eat or drink for two days. They even had to clean his bed because he had urinated and defecated in it," stated Pattyona.

Once it was confirmed that Mr. Lukas agreed to receive medical treatment, responsibilities were assigned. Cosmas Refra and Antonius Eko Nugroho were sent to RSPAD to wait for Mr. Lukas' arrival. They had already departed and were waiting there. However, as of 6:00 PM on Sunday, Mr. Lukas had not yet arrived. Pattyona instructed them to continue waiting at RSPAD until Mr. Lukas arrived.

According to the information from Refra and Nugroho, Mr. Lukas' family, including Elius Enembe, had already arrived at RSPAD.

"Mr. Lukas' condition has indeed deteriorated significantly. His health has declined. Meanwhile, the trial is set to resume tomorrow (Monday)," stated Pattyona. (Albert Batlayeri)

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